France Dimanche 5 Août 19:30 - 20:30
Si au départ, le sport destinait Fabien Marsaud, la vie en a décidé autrement. Devenu Grand Corps Malade, ce poétique slameur partage et démocratise ce genre musical. Auteur, interprète et compositeur, il a la plume profonde, sensible et juste. Aujourd’hui, après cinq albums, un film (« Patients ») et de nombreuses collaborations musicales, il sort son sixième album « Plan B », fort, mélancolique, émouvant. À commencer par « Au feu rouge », un titre poignant et engagé sur l’errance des migrants.
Originally Fabien Marsaud seemed destined for a sporting career but life decided otherwise. As Grand Corps Malade, this poetic slam artist has contributed hugely to the popularity of this new musical genre. As author, performer and composer his words are profound, sensitive and just. After five albums, a film ("Patients") and many musical collaborations he has just released his sixth album "Plan B". A sixth album that is full of power, melancholy, illumination and emotion. It opens with "au feu rouge", a timely and committed opening track about the migrations of populations in difficulty.